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Ever-blooming Ideas

Achieve an Ever-Blooming Perennial Garden.

From formal to cottage, vegetable to herb – a garden will always have more appeal if there is something interesting to look at.

It could be a color combination , a variety of heights or forms, or contrasting textures of thick leaves underlying finely cut. But mostly, the flower catches the eye.

Heuchera (Coral Bells) hybrids have a range of leaf colors and variations that add continuous color before and after bloom.

Having continuous blooms in the garden also promotes a diversity of  beneficial insects to pollinate your fruits and vegetables or to keep the pest insect population down. Frogs and toads will benefit, too!

Take time to plan and see what you like

From April through November, look around and identify plants you like in bloom and make note of the date. These perennials will bloom about the same time from year to year. And it’s a great way to build a list of must-have plants. This method can take patience however. You may not know the plant and so need help to identify it plus you’ll need to find a garden center that carries it.

  • Here’s a good trick to identify those mystery plants. Visit the garden center on a regular basis from April through November. Blooming plants are identified, solving 3 issues: bloom time, plant name and availability! Plant tags will also suggest ways to keep the perennial blooming for a long time. And you may discover perennials you like with foliage color that makes their color addition last all season! When you gaze at your perennial borders and feel a need for a certain color, height or shape, stop into Ward’s and you’ll be able to identify a solution.
  • You can also use our plant finder tool.
  • Once you have your perennials in place, confirm that they receive a regular feeding either through slow-release fertilizers (lasting up to 4 months) or through regular feedings diluted with the regular waterings.
  • Consistent soil moisture also keeps the flowers happy. Make sure they aren’t fainting from thirst.
  • And give your flowers some room. As perennial gardens mature, clumps of more aggressive flowers will overwhelm others. Don’t be shy or worry about cutting back or dividing mature stands. They will likely perform better as well.

Tips for the Winter

Winter is a great time for gardeners to take stock, tidy up, protect plants and plan ahead. And have a look at our seasonal decorating ideas!

Winter Articles

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